Kamis, 24 Januari 2019

bank soal bahasa inggris sd kelas 2

Pilihlah Jawaban Yang Benar Dengan Memberi Tanda Silang ( X ) Pada A, B Atau C!

1. is – this  – fingers - my
The correct order is ....
a. Is this my fingers  
b. This is fingers my  
c. This is my fingers
d. Fingers my is this


What part of the body is it ?
a. Leg  
b. Head  
c. Hand  
d. Stomach
3. Nose, eye and ear are part of our ....
a. Body  
b. Leg   
c. Stomach  
d. Head

4. We have two ears
The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Kita punya dua jari  
b. Kita punya dua tangan 
c. Kita punya dua mata
d. Kita punya dua telinga

5. Mouth in Indonesian is ....
a. Gigi  
b. Bibir  
c. Lidah  
d. Mulut

6. Itu adalah sebuah penggaris
The English sentence is ....
a. That is a ruler
b. That is a table 
c. That is a flag 
d. That is a book


“Is that a table?”
Rina : “No, that is not.”
Rudi  : “What is that?”
Rina : “....”
a. That is chair  
b. That is whiteboard
c. That is bag
d. That is Clock

8. Whiteboard in Indonesian is ....
a. Kayu putih 
b. Papan tulis hitam
c. Papan tulis putih 
d. Penghapus

9. is – pencil – your – this - ?
The correct order is ....
a. Is this pencil your? 
b. This is your pencil? 
c. Is this your pencil?
d. Pencil your is this?

10. This is a bag
The indonesian sentece is ....
a. Ini adalah sebuah keranjang 
b. Itu adalah sebuah bola 
c. Ini adalah sebuah bendera
d. Ini adalah sebuah tas

11. Bayu sedang belajar
The English sentence is ....
a. Bayu is reading
b. Bayu is swimming
c. Bayu is singing    
d. Bayu is studying

12. Apakah ini seekor kuda?
The English sentence is ....
a. Is this a dog? 
b. Is this a Giraffe 
c. Is this a horse? 
d. Is this a cat?

13. a - that – tiger – is
The correct order is ....
a. That is a tiger
b. That is tiger a 

c. A tiger that is 
d. Is that a tiger

14. Animal in Indonesian is ....
a. Buas  
b. Peliharaan  
c. Binatang  
d. Tumbuhan


Panji : “What animal is that?”
Rino : “ That is a .... “
a. Elephant 
b. Wolf  
c. Bear  
d. Deer

16. t – e – n – o – w – t – y – e – n

The correct word is ....
a. Twenty two 
b. Thirty one  
c. Twenty one 
d. Thirty nine

17. is – this  – fingers - my
The correct order is ....
a. Is this my fingers
b. This is fingers my  
c. This is my fingers
d. Fingers my is this


What part of the body is it ?
a. Leg 
b. Head  
c. Hand  
d. Stomach
19. Nose, eye and ear are part of our ....
a. Body  
b. Leg   
c. Stomach  
d. Head

20. We have two ears
The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Kita punya dua jari  
b. Kita punya dua tangan 
c. Kita punya dua mata
d. Kita punya dua telinga

21. Mouth in Indonesian is ....
a. Gigi  
b. Bibir  
c. Lidah  
d. Mulut

22. Itu adalah sebuah penggaris
The English sentence is ....
a. That is a ruler 

b. That is a table 
c. That is a flag 
d. That is a book


: “Is that a table?”
Rina : “No, that is not.”
Rudi  : “What is that?”
Rina : “....”
a. That is chair  
b. That is whiteboard
c. That is bag
d. That is Clock

24. Whiteboard in Indonesian is ....
a. Kayu putih 
b. Papan tulis hitam
c. Papan tulis putih 
d. Penghapus

25. is – pencil – your – this - ?
The correct order is ....
a. Is this pencil your? 
b. This is your pencil? 
c. Is this your pencil?
d. Pencil your is this?

26. This is a bag
The indonesian sentece is ....
a. Ini adalah sebuah keranjang 
b. Itu adalah sebuah bola 
c. Ini adalah sebuah bendera
d. Ini adalah sebuah tas

27. Bayu sedang belajar
The English sentence is ....
a. Bayu is reading
b. Bayu is swimming
c. Bayu is singing   
d. Bayu is studying

28. Apakah ini seekor kuda?
The English sentence is ....
a. Is this a dog? 
b. Is this a Giraffe 
c. Is this a horse? 
d. Is this a cat?

29. a - that – tiger – is
The correct order is ....
a. That is a tiger
b. That is tiger a 
c. A tiger that is 
d. Is that a tiger

30. Animal in Indonesian is ....
a. Buas  
b. Peliharaan  
c. Binatang  
d. Tumbuhan


Panji : “What animal is that?”
Rino : “ That is a .... “

a. Elephant 
b. Wolf  
c. Bear  
d. Deer

32. t – e – n – o – w – t – y – e – n
The correct word is ....
a. Twenty two 
b. Thirty one  
c. Twenty one 
d. Thirty nine

33. Forty nine in Indonesian is
a. Empat sembiilan  
b. Empat puluh delapan 
c. Sembilan belas
d. Empat puluh sembilan

34. What number is it after forty six ?
a. Forty nine 
b. Forty eight 
c. Forty seven 
d. Forty five

35. Ini adalah angka dua puluh tujuh
The english sentence is ....
a. This is number seventeen   
d. This is number seventy   
c. This is number twenty six
d. This is number twenty seven


What number is it?
a. Twenty eight 
b. Eighty two 
c. Two Eight 
d. Twenty nine

37. Grandmother in Indonesian is ....
a. Ibu  
b. Tante  
c. Nenek 
d. Kakak perempuan

38. Kakak laki-laki in English is ....
a. Elder sister 
b. Little sister 
c. Little brother
d. Elder brother

39. Mr. Budi has a son. His name is Muhammad Laksana
A : “Who Mr. Budi for Muhammad Laksana?”
B : “Mr. Budi is Muhammad Laksana’s ....”
a. Mother 
b. Brother  
c. Father 
d. Sister

40. Sinta is my little sister
The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Sinta adalah ibuku  
b. Sinta adalah bibiku  
c. Sinta adalah kakak perempuanku
d. Sinta adalah adik perempuanku

41. Bu Ayu adalah bibiku
The english sentence is ....
a. Mrs. Ayu is my uncle 
b. Mrs. Ayu is my aunt 
c. Mrs. Ayu is my grandmother
d. Mrs. Ayu is my nephew

42. 15 + 9 = . . . .
a. twenty four                         b. twenty five              c. twenty six

43. 4 x 9 = . . . .
a. thirty four                b. thirty three              c. thirty six

44. 25 – 6 = . . .
a. twenty one              b. nineteen                   c. eighteen

45. E – A – G – … – E..
The missing alphabet is…
a. el                              b. en                            c. em

46. R – S – H – O – E = . . .
The correct rearrange is . .(animal)
a. Rhose                      b. Horse                       c. Shoer

47. Anggur, pisang, semangka. Bahasa Inggris nya adalah . . .
a. banana, grape, melon
b. melon, grape, banana
c. grape, banana,watermelon

48. The king of the fruit is . . .
a. mango                      b. durian                      c. mangosteen

49. Fruit with a lot of kernel . . . . (jambu biji)
a. guava                       b. cassava                    c. pineapple

50. Kubis, wortel, tomat. In English is. . . .
a. Cabbage, carrot, tomato
b. broccoli, spinach, cherry
c. carrot, cabbage, tomato

51. Popeye like to eat . . .
a. carrot                       b. potato                      c. spinach

Text for questions 11-15.
My name is Afrina. I am a student. I live at Jl. Keren No. 55. My house paint color is brown. My family have an antique clock in our living room. My brother and I usually play games with Playstation. My father also give me a computer for my birthday last month.

52. Where is Afriana live?
a. Jl. Keren No. 55
b. Jl. Manggis No. 54
c. Jl. Keren No. 31

53. What is the paint color of her house?
a. blue                          b. red                           c. brown

54. What the present from her father in her birthday?
a. Playstation               b. computer                 c. unique clock

55. What her family have in the living room?
a. computer                 b. playstation               c. unique clock

56. With whom Afriana usually play playstation?
a. her father                 b. her boyfriend          c. her brother

57. When we want to camping, we should bring. . .
a. tent                          b. refrigerator              c. gas stove

58. The unproper tools for camping is . . . .
a. sandals                     b. jacket                       c. map

59. Traditional clothes from indonesia is . . .
a. batik                                    b. sari                          c. suit

60. Aslan . . .English in his bedroom.
a. studied                    b. studies                     c. study

61. Setia is . . . the movie in the cinema.
a. watching                  b. watches                   c. saw

62. The highest animal in the world is . . . . (jerapah)
a. Zebra                       b. giraffe                     c. bird

63. My mother . . . . in the kitchen.
a. cooks                       b. sleep                        c. go

64. I put my clothes in the . . . .(lemari)
a. kitchen                     b. door                         c. wardrobe

65. The . . . . is hanging in the wall.
a. watch                       b. clock                        c. shoes

66. Selamat siang, Rina
The english sentece is ...
a. Good morning, Rina 
b. Good evening, Rina 
c. Good afternoon, Rina

67. Andi  : “How are you?”
Sinta : “ .... “
a. I am Sinta  
b. I am fine   
c. My nama is Sinta

68. Good morning in indonesian is ...
a. Selamat malam 
b. Selamat siang  
c. Selamat pagi

69. Senang bertemu denganmu.
The English sentence is ...
a. How are you  
b. Nice to meet you 
c. Good night friends

70. I have .... book.
a. a   
b. an    
c. are


this is ....
a. an cat   
b. are cat   
c. a cat


this is ...
a. a apple  
b. an apple   
c. am apple

73. Apakah ini sebuah jeruk ?
The English sentence is ...
a. Is that an orange 
b. Is that a orange  
c. Is that are orange

74. is – this – a – dolphin
The correct order is ...
a. This a dolphin is 
b. This is a dolphin  
c. This dolphin is a

75. Fish in Indonesian is ....
a. Kerang  
b. Buaya   
c. Ikan

76. R - S – A – H – K
The correct word is ...
a. Sahkr   
b. Shark   
c. Sarhk


Bayu  : “What animal sea is it?”
Dini : “It is a ... “
a. Fish   
b. Turtle  
c. Whale

78. Kuning in English is ...
a. Purple   
b. White   
c. Yellow

79. Rina suka warna biru
The english sentence is ...
a. Rina like blue  
b. Rina like red  
c. Rina like black


The colour of apple is ...
a. Red   
b. Pink   
c. Oranye

81. do – like – black – you - ?
The correct order is ...
a. Do you black like? 
b. Do like you black?  
c. Do you like black?

82. Twelve in Indonesian is ....
a. Sebelas  
b. Dua belas   
c. Tiga belas
83. Dua puluh in English is ....
a. Twelve   
b. Two    
c. Twenty

84. What number before twenty nine?
a. Twenty six  
b. Twenty seven  
c. Twenty eight


Jeni : “What number is it?”
Ahmad : “Is it number ....”
a. Twenty one   
b. Twenty six  
c. Twenty three

II. Write the Translation of the Words!
86.       Run     =                                  91. Window                =
87.       Bring   =                                  92. Floor                      =
88.       Drink   =                                  93. Watermelon           =
89.       Sleep   =                                  94. Spinach                 =
90.       Table   =                                  95. potato                    =

III. Rearrange into the Correct Sentences!
96.  Play – basketball – Joan – I – and.
97.  My – buy – car – a -father.
98.  Study – I – Mathematics.
99.  Wake – I – up – morning – in – the.
100. Siska – in – class – the – sleeps.

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